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T-Mobile trade-in issues
I traded in my iPhone 11 and XR and sent them to t-mobile one month ago but never received the credit for the iPhone 11. I have called the customer services several times and these representatives promised me the issue would be resolved in a few days but it never did. They just give people empty promises so that you can get off the phone. Plus was told by the salesman the trade-in value was $150 each but only received $85 for XR.limchang13 minutes agoNewbie Caller86Views0likes3CommentsSorry, we won't help you...
Moved to France, closed my Tmobile account, kept the inactive and paid-for phone. Called them to unlock my phone, gave them my six-digit password, they told me they can't unlock it because they can only send the verification code to an active Tmobile phone number. They suggested I go to a Tmobile store: France doesn't have any Tmobile stores. Don't they know that? So I've got to buy a new phone. Even though under the terms of the contract I have the right to have my old phone unlocked when I leave Tmobile.TMOBILE_SUCKS2 hours agoVisitor34Views0likes1CommentT-Mobile breaking promises to seniors who were offered price-lock guarantee for life on 55+ rate plans
In 2017, I signed up for a 55+ rate plan with the assurance that my monthly rate was price-locked for life. This incentive was a primary reason that I switched from AT&T to T-Mobile. Now, T-Mobile is trying to raise my monthly rate by $10.00. When I spoke to their customer service people this morning they told me that there was nothing that they could do to fix the problem. I also noted that they changed all of the marketing information on their web site to delete all references to the price-lock guarantee which I was offered when I set up the account. We need to find a way to complain loudly to T-Mobile about this breach of contract and breach of trust. If we do nothing, they will raise our rates again in the future. Let’s fight back. Thanks for listening.WFREYVOGEL3 hours agoRoaming Rookie28KViews105likes154CommentsT-Mobile has forgotten us...
I am a T-Mobile customer for 25 years! As far as a phone carrier, I only know T-Mobile, as well as many of my friends and family who signed with T-Mobile on my recommendation. Today I apologize to them. I have enjoyed watching them grow and feeling like I've been a part of that. I've been proud to share that I am a T-Mobile customer for such a long time. I am extremely loyal to those that are loyal to me. I've been at the same job for 25 years, I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 33 years. I don't easily make changes in my life when loyalty is shared. Deep down, for a decade or more, I felt this company may outgrow our loyalty some day. Turns out that day is today, March 13th, 2025. I spoke with representatives a couple times today in hopes we could work something out. It turns out that we can't. Unless I change my One Military plan that I proudly signed up for many, many years ago, and go to a new plan that has virtually no protection from additional price increases. As a customer I did my part. I referred them countless times. I've added additional lines, I've added a service for my watch, and I've been a T-Mobile internet customer since the day it was available in my area. I also ALWAYS paid my bills, and paid them on time. I also purchased my phones through T-Mobile and paid for the additional insurance protection. I honestly couldn't do much more as a customer. I was loyal. I am currently debating my options, which are simple. Pay the additional price increase on 7 lines, 3 of which I no longer need, or I can cancel the 3 extra lines, forfeit my Military plan, and be vulnerable to their next (of many) price hikes. I may select option 3. Cancel everything, and bash them and their disloyalty and their contract breach for the next 25 years! I can do what many others do, just move from company to company, accepting "buyouts" and promotions for new phones. I'll always have a new phone and I'll be doing what Tobile apparently WANTS us to do. I have some serious thinking to do...40734667383 hours agoVisitor54Views1like1CommentHow can i cancel a line on my account without contacting customer service and giving up my afternoon?
Such a simple question and yet there seems to be no way to do this: how can i cancel a line on my account through the website or app? So annoying that this isn’t front and center on my support page. Instead i need to call customer support, wait for an agent or wait to be called back and then suffer through a series of questions and sales pitches. I went through this once and the agent failed to cancel now i must do it again. Ugh. Why am i a customer at all?Solved731Views1like5CommentsPrice increase Magenta 55+ rate was guaranteed
What?! I've been happy with T-Mobile for a few years now, and thought I was with an ethically operated company. I've had no reason to complain. However just today I received a text that in 2 weeks they are increasing my price. But when I signed up I was promised a guaranteed rate of $70 per month for 2 unlimited lines on Magenta for 55+. Now T-Mobile wants $10/month more than the guaranteed rate. Sorry, the price increase and therefore the change in terms is not acceptable. This isn't a great way to treat loyal customers.friendofonyx5 hours agoNewbie Caller71Views0likes1CommentDeceptive practices
Like many other people who have posted here, I thought I had a price guarantee from T-Mobile. Turns out that there may have been some fine print. Apparently if you hit the link for their FAQs it said if they ever do raise your price and you decide to leave within 60 days, they’ll pay your last line charges (bye bye, have a good life). I also called and was told this was because of inflation. Well, T-Mobile has actually made some changes to my plan over the last couple of years to help offset any increase expenses. For example, I had to have them take my payment directly from my bank account instead of charging my credit card in order to keep the five dollar discount. And then the first time that Netflix increased their prices I had to give up my ad free Netflix and go to their lowest plan which included ads in order not to increase my cost. So in reality we’ve already experienced price increases from T-Mobile on this no increase plan. And then T-Mobile had the audacity to send me a text a couple of months ago when Netflix raised their price again telling me that they “had my back” and would not increase my price at that time. To add insult to injury last year the CEO made $37 million. This is up from $22 million I believe the year before. So this guy is squeezing us for five dollars more a month to help maintain his bloated compensation. Definitely not the reputable company I thought they were.CLP5 hours agoVisitor18Views0likes0CommentsFight Rate Increases ACROSS THE BOARD
They are doing this across the board; and, unfairly, I might add. After I called them out, they took DOWN their page on Price Locks: It was up before 3:30pm EST today 3/13/2025. They are about to rewrite the page, WATCH! Those of you looking for the page, here it is from 2/12/2025: I opted out of Arbitration; and, they'll be hearing from the FCC and my attorney. We all had this problem a year ago; and, there was already a Class Action along with an FCC complaint they toddler'd away with like a little girl in a dress by citing Terms: TOUGH CRAP FOR THEM THE LETTER TO FCC IS EVIDENCE THAT SHOWS THE TERMS YOU CAN USE TO STOP THEM FROM RAISING YOU RATES, IF YOU ARE IN CERTAIN DATES: To get your Terms and Conditions by date to fight this: Here is the FCC Complaint Link: LFG! Here is the detail so they CANNOT HIDE when they try to change your plan. THANK ME LATER, I am happy to deal them any damage for the $60 a year they are costing me.youareceo6 hours agoNetwork Novice56Views0likes1Comment
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