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Future technologies are transforming the energy sector.

As 5G and IoT are featuring more prominently for energy companies, T-Mobile for Business is providing digital transformation in the energy industry and advancing the energy grid’s communication with utility technology solutions.

Factors driving the adoption of IoT in the energy sector and smart cities.


Technology is deployed to align with smart city goals for improved mobility, safety, environmental, and economic drivers.

Magenta dot emits a signal.


Networks are built to support utility performance requirements and designed to be reliable and resilient for energy infrastructure.

Magenta Wi-Fi signal.

Safety & Security.

Energy technology advancements can be utilized to help improve safety in potentially hazardous oil or gas environments. 

Shield with a magenta checkmark in the center.


A well connected, multi-service network to handle all your energy business needs.

Cell tower

A digital transformation in the energy industry is possible by optimizing grid operations through the capture of data in real-time. Utilities can also capture meter data faster for more timely and accurate billing through new programs such as prepay solutions that help utilities avoid non-payment and improve cashflow.

As utilities add more wireless connected devices, they need to minimize the number of networks they’re currently supporting for their energy infrastructure. T-Mobile 5G and LTE technologies enable the transition from multiple networks to one multi-service network platform.

5G and LTE offer broadband, narrowband, low latency, security, enhanced reliability, dense connections and the other performance features required by current and future utility smart grid use cases.

Our network allows energy companies to efficiently handle a large number of end points such as parking sensors, air quality sensors, smart meters, and lighting control devices.

By capturing energy data in real time, energy companies can be more cost effective and find ways to provide power without building expensive plants to meet demand.  

Timely and accurate billing including prepay solutions will enable utilities to capture meter data faster and offer new programs such as prepay.

How T-Mobile helps increase efficiency for energy providers.

  • 5G and LTE technologies on one multi-service network
  • Network assists with providing improved mobility, safety and economic drivers
  • Digital transformation in the energy industry for emerging IoT needs
  • Network empowers energy customer decisions on usage
  • Empower providers to utilize and make better decisions regarding the grid during peak demand times

Energy perspectives.

4 ways 5G edge computing can accelerate utility transformation.

Utility companies are transitioning to multi-access edge computing to power smart grids and reduce latency, increase bandwidth, enhance security, and build greater resiliency into operations.

A programmer codes in a server room.

Factors for energy providers to consider when selecting 5G vs Wi-Fi 6.

For energy providers, choosing between 5G or Wi-Fi 6 doesn’t have to be an binary decision. However, in some cases, 5G can improve connectivity, security, and resilience at a comparable cost to Wi-Fi 6.

An energy engineer uses a laptop on a night shift at a plant.

Computer vision and 5G boost energy industry efficiency and safety.

As the energy industry moves toward renewables, providers can use computer vision and 5G to enhance operations and address key priorities, such as grid resilience and climate impact.

A connected drone hovers over a power-line pylon, using computer vision to help inspect the energy infrastructure.

Advanced Metering Infrastructure 2.0 and 5G lay the foundation for the energy future.

Learn how 5G powers AMI and helps utilities improve demand response, load balancing, and billing accuracy.

A 3-D data rendering of a global energy and communications grid, superimposed over a modern cityscape at dusk.

Wireless Priority Services connect utilities when every second counts.

During wildfires, hurricanes, and other emergency situations, utilities and key response personnel must stay connected. WPS delivers preferred access to communication at no cost to enrolled utilities.

Streetlights and powerlines at dusk.

5G-powered IoT helps utilities efficiently transition to clean energy.

Learn how utilities are turning to 5G and IoT for a smooth, secure, and efficient transition to distributed networks and renewable sources.

Two solar technicians install solar panels.

Private networks: powering the energy industry transition.

Private networks powered by 5G technology enable energy providers to meet growing customer demand more effectively. In this blog, read about the five key ways private networks are transforming the energy industry.

Aerial view of an offshore oil rig at night.

Connected worker solutions maximize efficiency and safety for energy companies.

By connecting field workers with office staff, companies can more quickly capture, share, and react to data in real-time to unlock new levels of operating efficiency, worker effectiveness, and overall business productivity.

Pipeline engineer makes a call while inspecting oil and gas equipment.

Power grid flexibility calls for Advanced Connectivity Solutions.

Distributed energy resources (DERs) are playing a critical role in helping to meet the growing demand for electricity, while smart technologies are helping to balance utility-generated variable energy resources. Managing these innovations requires a smart, and flexible, utility power grid.

An energy technician in magenta coveralls examines panels at a solar power facility.

5G-powered network slicing helps utilities scale up connectivity without costly infrastructure.

Improving your utility grid doesn’t necessarily mean a costly upgrade to modify your infrastructure. Learn how partitioning your physical network into multiple virtual networks via software-defined network slicing architecture allows you to customize your network and scale your business.

Two energy-utility technicians use a tablet while they evaluate a power-line pylon.


America’s 5G network provides smart energy solutions.

You can count on reliable connectivity across extensive service areas include remote rural locations and in challenging environments such as office building, basements, and other structures.

A T-Mobile 5G network solution for energy enterprises can provide more bandwidth, lower latency, and much higher reliability than ever before with required redundancy.

Low latency allows utilities to better manage in near real-time issues such as faults/outage detection for better load balancing, improved safety, and provide a better customer experience.

Accurate, real-time data insights help drive performance, so field management can ensure workers are in the right place, at the right time. Using connected devices, such as drones over 5G and LTE, energy companies can reduce inspection times, lower costs, and improve worker safety.

Semi-truck travels on a rural highway at sunset.

A reliable network improves your customers’ experience.

  • Our 5G network provides coverage for utilities in urban, and remote rural locations
  • Solutions tailored to specific needs to fill in gaps for coverage, capacity, and more
  • Improved meter data capabilities for prediction and measurement of usage
  • Low latency for better customer experiences
  • Assistance with the collection of accurate and timely data
  • Benefit from reduced inspection times, lower costs, and improved worker safety

Partner with T-Mobile for energy solutions and expertise.

Advanced technology solutions improve energy company operations.

4 must-have technologies that will drive innovation for energy providers.

As demands on energy producers accelerate, companies are turning to new digital technologies to increase efficiency, ensure worker safety, drive revenue, and improve customer satisfaction. Learn about technologies sparking change in the energy industry.

Worker with vest and hardhat looks at tablet in front of wind turbines

How oil and gas companies are putting the ROI in AI.

Oil and gas companies are increasingly turning to advanced technologies like AI and IoT to improve operational efficiency and resilience. See how T-Mobile can help power these solutions with our 5G network solutions.

Maintenance worker checks his cell phone, an oil refinery visible in the distance.

Driving operational efficiency with the right connectivity.

With the right connectivity, oil and gas companies can improve operational efficiency. This is why many are investing in connected technology solutions. Here’s a look at the factors, benefits, and challenges behind this trend.

Oil refinery worker checks his tablet in front of machinery.

Build or buy? The choice that defines how companies modernize.

The right technology service provider is critical when tackling complex technology projects. Check out how T-Mobile can help you improve your oil and gas operations with our connectivity solutions.

Offshore oil rig platform at dusk.


Adopting new energy technology for safety concerns and potentially hazardous environments.

Worker wears a VR headset to complete a workplace safety training. Her instructor controls the experience with a tablet.

Utilities are discovering the urgency of adopting new technologies because of safety and security concerns. Market drivers and pressures are leading energy companies to utilize communications including 5G and IoT. T-Mobile has the most deployed spectrum offering utilities a clear path as a partner for growth and managing network density concerns.

Utility energy technology solutions can help to improve workplace safety even in these potentially hazardous environments such as oil & gas. Training in virtual reality or using robotics is one of the most efficient ways of improving workplace safety, followed by sensors, detectors, and workers’ well-being tracking wearables.

Our network helps provide companies with improved safety and 5G security.

  • Most deployed spectrum for growth and network density
  • Cybersecurity is a number one priority
  • Virtual reality tools can be utilized for energy employee training
  • Implement technology that increases safety for field workers and staff

Industry resources.

Connectivity advancements in the oil and gas enterprise.

For energy companies, increasing productivity and efficiency is essential as operations move from isolated silos to integrated systems with streamlined processes. Learn how companies are increasing efficiency through the use of advanced connectivity technologies.

An oil worker checks his laptop at a pumpjack site.

IDC Perspective: evolving role of artificial intelligence in energy operations.

Increasing pressure to improve operational efficiencies is forcing oil and gas companies to identify and deploy innovative solutions. Learn how AI along with cloud and edge computing, are harnessing data to deliver richer insights and efficiency gains.

A futuristic machine.

IDC TechBrief: Services solutions

Bridging the gap to digital transformation in the energy industry requires adaptable solutions and services that connect business systems with operational applications. Learn about the benefits, challenges and risks encountered and factors critical for successful outcomes.

A smart warehouse superimposed with AR data.

Let’s talk.