State regulatory information

Regulatory information

If you are a California customer

Important Information for CA Customers:
Third-Party Service Provider Billing: Certain third-party charges (e.g., games, apps, ringtones, etc.) may be included on your T‑Mobile bill. For no additional cost you can block those third-party charges from being placed on your T‑Mobile bill by visiting my.T‑ or calling T‑Mobile Customer Service.

Facturación de terceros proveedores de servicios: Ciertos cargos de terceros (tales como juegos, aplicaciones, tonos de timbre, etc.) podrían incluirse en su factura de T-Mobile. Sin ningún cargo adicional, puede bloquear esos cargos de terceros y evitar que los mismos sean incluidos en su factura de T‑Mobile, visitando my.T‑ o llamando al centro de Servicio al Cliente de T‑Mobile.

第三方服务提供商收费:有些第三方收费(如游戏、应用程序、手机铃声等)可能包括在您的T‑Mobile账单中,通过访问 my.T‑ 或致电T‑Mobile客戶服務部,您可在您的T‑Mobile账单中阻止第三方收费,这项服务不另外收费。

삼자 서비스 제공자 수수료: 삼자 서비스 제공자들의 수수료가 고객의 T‑Mobile 청구서에 함께 포함될 수 있습니다 (예를 들면, 게임, 앱스, 링톤 등). 이러한 삼자 서비스 제공자들의 서비스 수수료가 T‑Mobile 청구서에 추가되는 것을 막으려면 my.T‑ 을 방문하시거나 T‑Mobile 고객 서비스로 전화하여 요청하시기 바랍니다. 이 서비스는 무료입니다.

Số Tiền Quý Vị Thiếu các Nhà Cung Cấp Dịch Vụ Đệ Tam Nhân: Một vài khoản nợ quý vị phải thanh toán cho các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ đệ tam nhân (ví dụ: trò chơi, các ứng dụng (apps), ringtone, vân vân…) có thể đã được ghi vào hóa đơn T‑Mobile của quý vị. Quý vị không phải trả thêm phụ phí nào nếu quý vị muốn chặn lại không cho phép ghi các khoản nợ quý vị phải thanh toán cho các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ đệ tam nhân kể trên vào hóa đơn T-Mobile của quý vị bằng cách viếng địa điểm trên mạng my.T‑ hoặc gọi T‑Mobile Customer Service (Phòng Dịch Vụ Giúp Thân Chủ của T‑Mobile).

California customers can visit the California Public Utilities Commission’s website at for information about ways to protect against fraud.

Para obtener información sobre cómo evitar ser víctimas de fraude, los clientes de California deben visitar el sitio Web de la Comisión de Servicios Públicos de California en

关于如何防范欺诈的资料, 加利福尼亚州的客户可以访问加州公用事业委员会的网站

캘리포니아 고객들은 사기 행위로부터 보호 받기위한 정보를 캘리포니아주 공공사업위원회 웹사이트 에 방문하여 보시기 바랍니다.

lang="vi"Khách hàng tại California có thể ðến thãm trang web của Ủy Ban Ngành Dịch Vụ Công Cộng California tại ðể xem thông tin về các phýõng pháp bảo vệ khỏi sự lừa gạt.

The California Public Utilities Commission is holding public hearings via livestream on November 8, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. to discuss the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program, a new broadband grant program funded with federal money and administered by the CPUC. Visit for more information.

If you are a Minnesota customer

You have access to Minnesota Relay, a free telephone service that uses specially trained communications assistants to facilitate telephone calls between people with hearing and speech disabilities and other individuals. For more information on Minnesota Relay Services, visit or call 1-800-657-3775.

If you are a Connecticut customer

If you have any questions about your bill or concerns about your service, please call Customer Care at: 1-800-937-8997 or dial 611 from your wireless phone. If you are a Connecticut customer and we cannot resolve your issue, you have the option of contacting the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA): Online:; Phone: 1-800-382-4586; Mail: Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, 10 Franklin Square, New Britain, CT 06051.

If you are a New Mexico customer

If you have a complaint you cannot resolve with us, please contact the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission at 1-888-427-5772.

New Mexico consumer protection
New Mexico slamming and cramming regulations

The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission has rules and regulations to investigate and resolve allegations of unauthorized telecommunications charges, known as cramming, and unauthorized changes in telecommunications service providers, known as slamming. If a New Mexico customer believes that either of these situations has occurred, the customer should contact his/her local exchange company, his/her authorized provider, or the unauthorized provider in order to report an unauthorized charge or change of provider. In addition, the New Mexico customer may contact directly the Consumer Regulation Division of the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission at the following toll-free telephone number: 1-888-427-5772. A complete copy of New Mexico's Slamming and Cramming Act, with detailed procedures, may be found in Title 17, Chapter 11, Part 8 of the New Mexico Administrative Code at

T‑Mobile customer deposit policy
If you apply to activate or you're actually receiving postpaid service from T‑Mobile, then you authorize us to verify (and to continue verifying) your creditworthiness with any third parties, and you authorize to do this at any time. As a result of any such credit check, T‑Mobile may require that you pay a deposit as a condition to your initial or continued enrollment in a T‑Mobile rate plan. Any such deposit will accrue interest in accordance with New Mexico state regulations. If you cancel your postpaid service with T‑Mobile, your deposit (plus any interest accrued thereon) first will be applied toward the outstanding balance (which will include up to $200 per line early cancellation fee that will apply if the defined service agreement term has not been fulfilled) on any of your T‑Mobile accounts, and any remaining portion of the deposit (including accrued interest) will be refunded to you within thirty (30) days after the effective cancellation date of your postpaid service with T‑Mobile. Please contact a T‑Mobile representative for additional information on T‑Mobile's deposit refund policies applicable to active and canceled accounts.

If you are a Texas customer

Customers living in Texas can add their wireless number to the Texas Public Utility Commission's No Call List. Call 1-866-896-6225 or visit for details. Registration charges apply.

Area code overlay approved for the New York 631 area code
To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, the new 934 area code will be added to the area served by 631. This is known as an area code overlay. Get ready to change the way you dial your local calls!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • An overlay is the addition of another area code (934) to the same geographic region as an existing area code (631). An overlay does not require customers to change their existing area code. Who will be affected? The 631 area code serves all of the communities in Suffolk County, New York. The new 934 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 631 area code.

  • To complete local calls, the new dialing procedure requires callers to dial area code + telephone number. This means that all calls in the 631 area code that are currently dialed with seven digits will need to be dialed using ten digits, that is, the area code + telephone number. The same dialing procedure will apply to telephone numbers assigned to the new 934 area code.

  • Effective July 18, 2015, you should begin using the new dialing procedures whenever you place a call from the 631 area code. If you forget and dial just seven digits, your call will still be completed. Beginning June 18, 2016, you must use the new dialing procedures, as described above for all calls. After this date, if you do not use the new dialing procedures, your calls will not be completed and a recording will instruct you to hang up and dial again. Beginning July 16, 2016, new telephone lines or services may be assigned numbers using the new 934 area code.

  • In addition to changing your dialing procedures, all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment that are programmed to dial a 7-digit number will need to be reprogrammed to use the new dialing procedure. Some examples are life safety systems or medical devices, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, alarm and security systems or gates, speed dialers, mobile phone contact lists, call forwarding settings, voicemail services, and similar functions, etc. Be sure to check your website, business stationery, advertising materials, personal and business checks, contact information, and your personal or pet ID tags to ensure the area code is included.

  • Your telephone number, including current area code, will not change.

    The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.

    What is a local call now will remain a local call regardless of the number of digits dialed.

    You will continue to dial 1+ area code + telephone number for all long distance calls.

    You can still dial just three digits to reach 911.

    If 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 or 811 are currently available in your community you will still dial these codes with just three digits.

  • You can visit the Department of Public Service Commission of New York’s website at  for further information.

Texas Recovery Fee

Texas law imposes a franchise tax on each company, including T‑Mobile, conducting business in Texas. T‑Mobile imposes a monthly charge labeled "TX Recovery Fee" on your bill to recover the cost of this tax. This fee is not a government mandated charge. If you have questions, call 1-800-937-8997.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The fee is imposed on subscribers with a Texas Billing or PPU address for the recovery of the Texas Margin Tax.

  • The fee is a percentage of charges related to communications services on your monthly bill. The rate is subject to change.

  • Yes, other wireless providers charge the equivalent of a TX Recovery Fee, although they may label it as Texas Franchise Surcharge, Texas Franchise Tax Recovery, State-Cost Recovery Fee or similar terms.